Auf Platz 1 der aktuellen Reisetipps des Guardian findet sich Leipzig völlig zu Recht. Darauf erst mal ein Helles.
1. Leipzig's cutting-edge artsIch frage mich natürlich, wie lange wir noch auf Jim Whitings kleine Wunderbar bauen könne. Gab´s da nicht Probleme wegen des Brandschutzes? Oder standen solvente(re) Mieter oder Käufer der schönen Spinnereiräumlichkeiten nicht schon Schlange?
Leipzig is fast catching Berlin as a setting for innovative arts, particularly the city's Baumwollspinnerei (, a former factory that now hosts dozens of eclectic galleries and artists' studios. The Spinnerei is the venue for British artist Jim Whiting's Bimbotown Parties (, next one 2 April), a mix of music, theatre and lots of crazy stuff by artists from all over Europe. Tickets are sought after but some can usually be bought on the door. The cafe at the Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst ( is redesigned every two years by artists and called Kafic in its current version after a makeover by artist-architects Apolonija Sustersic and Meike Schalk. Stay in the Meisterzimmer, a room of 116m² right in the middle of the Spinnerei (, €80 for two, €160 for up to six people).
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